Welcome to the 2025 Bridgewater Badgers Football Season. This is our 46th season and we are proud of the program we have built. BBYF is a 501(c)(3) and volunteer-run organization, founded in 1980, to provide a fun, positive, and successful tackle football experience for Bridgewater youth in Grades 2-8. BBYF is a long-standing member of the Old Colony Football League (OCYFL). BBYF follows and adheres to the OCYFL By-Laws in its operation and gameplay. BBYF operates on funds generated from registration fees, fundraising, game admission, and donations.


BBYF fields 7 teams, grades 3-8 (our Mighty Mites is grade 2 and is not part of the OCYFL)

By Grade: players are rostered by their grade.


Season begins in August and runs until playoffs in November. 8th Grade All Star Game 1st week of December


Practices for Mighty Mites, Mites and Peewees are held at Legion Field

Practices for our Midget team are held behind the old BR High School. (166 Mount Prospect Street).

Home games are held at Charles L. Simonds Field located at Legion Field. Away games TBD


Teams practice in August - 5 nights per week. Once school begins 3 times per week. (5:00 to 7:00PM)


Teams will play JV games on Saturday morning.

Teams will play Varsity Games on Sunday morning or Saturday Evening.

The season opening is typically the weekend after Labor Day.

Playoffs will be held in November.


BBYF provides our players with a helmet, shoulder pads, game jersey and game pants. These are returned at the end of the season. Our 1st year OCYFL players will receive a practice jersey that they will keep. D1 wears White practice jersey and D7 wears Red practice jersey.

2025 OCYFL Season

The online registration system is open for all levels for the 2025 season. All veterans and new players can register online.

The Registration Fees are $225 this year. There is no family cap this season. You will receive a $50 discount on the 2nd player registered in your family. A 3rd player will receive a $150 discount and a 4th player in the family registered will receive a $200 discount.

We are implementing a volunteer question to this year’s registration. We are requiring that each player registration volunteer at least 4 times during the season. We have had issues in filling spots over the past few seasons. We have adopted what some of the other OCYFL towns are doing to host games at their locations. We are still one of the cheapest programs in the OCYFL but we need volunteers to be successful in hosting Varsity/JV games, Playoffs or Super Bowls at our home field.

There will be two options that you will be required to answer when registering your player regarding volunteering.

If you opt out of volunteering you will be agreeing to pay $100 per registered player in the program.

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